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Have you been injured while out at sea and wondering about a lawyer who covers maritime law Miami, FL, residents trust, reach out to Irwin Law Firm for the answers you need. Our maritime attorney can look at your case and discuss with you the possible outcomes of a solution that will best fit your case.


Cases of Injuries on Boats


When you have a case of an injury that took place on boat, it is important to speak up about it. There are laws set in place for your safety and the safety of others for a reason, which is why if you do find yourself getting in an accident, here are the main reasons why you should reach out to a maritime attorney right away.


Understanding the Jones Act


You have rights and these circumstances must be met at all times while out on the water. In any case of negligence for a seaman, they should recover any damages or injuries no matter how small because it is what you deserve due to what your workplace owes you.




The seaworthy vessel is a ship whose hull, equipment, and crew are reasonably adequate in design, maintenance, and character to perform everyday activities. When a ship is not properly maintained, it can cause maritime workers to fall, or perform their everyday activities improperly. This makes it an unsafe situation for seaman and an unseaworthy vessel can become a liability.


Maintenance and Cure


Maintenance and cure is something that should be taken care of on all ships under maritime law Miami and Florida-wide. This helps prevent injured seamen and when it doesn’t, hiring a maritime attorney can help your case. Maintenance includes things such as the seamen’s rent, utilities, insurance, and other things as well. The case will be focused on medical expenses, and the difference is important to understand when your case is brought in for review.


Searching for a Lawyer Who Practices Maritime Law Miami, FL Locals Trust?


Irwin Law Firm can set you up with a maritime attorney who will review your case and ensure that you get the outcome you deserve for the injuries you have encountered while on the boat. You should not feel that you have to keep this to yourself. Ask for help and get the professional advice you need to settle your case for the best results. When injuries take place on the water, there is a different way to handle them, and we are here to help. Be sure when you hire a maritime attorney that your case is in good hands and we will get you the outcome you are hoping for. It is important to trust your attorney and give us all the evidence you have about your injury experienced while you were on a boat.

Contact Us


If you have been searching for a lawyer who knows best about maritime law Miami, FL, locals trust, reach out to Irwin Law Firm. We can review your case and get you the outcome you have been looking for all along. Do not wait, come to us right away to resolve your injury case.

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