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Container ships are responsible for transporting around 90% of the world’s goods. Thousands of them sail the seas every single day, and these kinds of ships provide work for hundreds of thousands of sailors and crew. They also claim the lives of thousands. Some estimates project that around 2,000 seafarers pass away every single year. But why exactly should these people lose their lives? Human beings have been traveling the seas for many thousands of years. Human beings are also always evolving in our technological advances. Somehow, the ocean still remains the deadliest workplace in the Western world. Read on to learn more about why container ships are dangerous. Irwin Law Firm is a top maritime attorney firm in Miami. If you are seeking a boat accident lawyer, call Irwin Law Firm at our Fort Lauderdale headquarters today!


Maritime Attorney Explains Leading Causes Of Container Ship Fatalities


The Guardian noted when it peeked  into the often-underreported issue of shipping deaths, Western media generally don’t cover shipping accidents since the crew for commercial ships typically hail from poorer, Eastern countries. As a result, people who are digging for answers need to search long and hard to find them. Insurer Allianz released data stating that the leading causes of commercial shipping deaths involve collisions, groundings, machinery damage or failures, and fires and explosions. The deaths lumped into the “other category” notably outnumbered all the other categories except for machinery damage and failure. On top of that, nearly all these deaths appear to be preventable (not caused by piracy or sudden calamity), suggesting that they are owed to unseaworthy vessels, poor training, and  poor maintenance. These numbers show a world where companies hire as few crew members as possible to staff a huge vessel, and then the crew are more prone to accidents due to their fatigue. 


Boat Accident Lawyer Discusses Container Ship Accidents


The world’s ship owners know that the ocean is a dangerous workplace. They purchase insurance to protect their property, but they need to protect their crew as well by ensuring that their vessels are seaworthy. They have to train their crew appropriately and follow all the rules and regulations that govern their industry without shortcuting the safety of their employees. Commercial shipping as of right now is still a very high-risk industry. However, when employers take the appropriate steps to protect their employees, much fewer ships face incidents. Fewer sailors are written off as fatalities due to the ineptitude of their employers. There’s no good reason for sailors to suffer or die, especially for the bottom line. This is why if you or somebody you are close to have been impacted by a container ship fatality, it’s very important to be clear on the facts of the case and seek legal guidance if needed. 


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Container ships are one of the most dangerous places to work in the world due to the unpredictability of the ocean and certain employers not staffing their ships the right way. If you have been impacted in a container ship accident, it’s important to seek legal counsel and find a competent Miami boat accident lawyer. Call Irwin Law Firm at our Fort Lauderdale office to speak with a maritime attorney today!


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