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Parasailing is a sport in which you are dragged through the air, about 10 to 15 meters high, by a speeding boat and buoyed up by a parachute.

It is a thrilling activity and attracts thousands of people each year. But it is also accident-prone, injuring, maiming, and even killing hundreds each year.

This unfortunate eventuality more often gives rise to legal issues; when rights and liability have to be determined. And the law has provided for pockets within which specific claims can be made.

Bringing your claim under the wrong head could lead to its dismissal by the court, leaving you with no remedy.


Getting a Boat Accident Attorney

All occurrences at sea that give rise to legal consequences are determined according to maritime law. Maritime law determines torts, breach of contract, and even criminal affairs according to the sea law.

A boating accident lawyer deals with boat accidents. The question is whether he is the right person to deal with an accident that happens 15 meters up in the air.

Whatever lawyer you choose must know under what regime of law your claim falls. Your attorney must also be experienced in maritime law and especially boating accident law.


Why Do You Need a Boat Injury Lawyer?

Here are a few reasons why you should hire an attorney skilled in boat injury law rather than any lawyer.

  • Parasailing accidents are considered boating accidents by Florida Statute 327.02 since they are towed by boats.
  • Most parasailing accidents are caused by the negligence of the boat’s operator or the malfunction of the boat’s engine or equipment. You need a lawyer who has built expertise around these issues.
  • Your claim is likely against the boat’s operator, its manufacturer, or passenger or rental company. A boat accident attorney will serve your interests best.
  • Under Cobb v Aramak Sports & Entertainment services, legal precedent has deemed that parasailing accidents are governed by maritime law. Boating accidents are governed by maritime law as well.

Parasailing accidents are dealt with under maritime law because they satisfy the following requirements:

  • They occur on a navigable body of water capable of supporting maritime commerce.
  • Recreational boats, including the equipment they drag behind them, are akin to traditional maritime activity.

The law under which your claim is filed plays a crucial role in its determination. For instance, under maritime law, the defendant cannot claim that you voluntarily assumed risk.



As has been shown, a boating accident lawyer offers the most excellent chance of recovering damages when you suffer a parasailing accident.

Contact us at Irwin Law Firm to handle your maritime claims for you.

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